Confectionery and Snacks Global Market

Worldwide Revenue:

In 2020, the global total revenue of confectionery is $826,129.6 million USD and the total revenue of snack foods are $389,228.3 million USD. In 2025, the total revenue increased to $1,020,641 million USD for confectionery and $492,583.1 million for snack food. The confectionery and snack food market is growing as the CAGR is expected to grow by 4.5% between the years 2020 and 2025.

Worldwide Revenue Growth:

The global revenue growth for both confectionery and snacks dropped drastically in 2020 as the Covid-19 pandemic is occurring. The revenue growth for confectionery in 2020 dropped to 0.5% and the revenue growth for snacks dropped to -0.2%. In 2025, the revenue growth for both confectionery and snacks looks much better. Confectionery revenue growth is expected to be 4.4% and snacks are expected to be at 3.8%.

Worldwide Average Price Per Capita:

The amount of money spent on confectionery and snacks in 2020 are totalled to an average of $163.30 USD per capita. The amount of money spent on confectionery is more than snacks throughout the years. Individuals spend 2/3 more on confectionery than snack foods. In 2025, the total amount spent on confectionery and snacks are expected to be $194.26 USD. The amount of money spent on these two types of food increases year by year.

Worldwide Average Volume per Capita:

On average, the volume of confectionery and snacks that per individuals consume in 2020 are 16 kgs for confectionery and 7.5 kgs of snack foods. In 2025, individuals consume a bit more confectionery and snacks as confectionery is expected to be 18.3 kgs and snacks are expected to be 9.0 kgs.

 United States Revenue:

In 2020 the total revenue of confectionery and snacks are $277,113 million USD. Even with the impact of Covid-19, the total revenue is still very stable compared to the other food markets. Confectionery and snacks market is a slow-growing market in the United States as the revenue increases bit by bit yearly. In 2025 the expected total revenue is $311,713 million USD. The confectionery and snacks market are also expected to grow by 2.4% annually (CAGR).

United States Revenue Growth:

In 2020, the revenue growth for confectionery is 4.3% and the revenue growth for snacks are 2.5%. The revenue growth for confectionery are always higher than the revenue growth of snacks. The confectionery and snacks market growth are both decreasing. In 2025, the revenue growth of confectionery equals 3.2% and the revenue growth of snacks are 1.7%. Overall, the revenue growth of both confectionery and snacks in the United States fluctuates. 

The United States Average Price Per Capita:

In 2020, the average price per capita for confectionery and snacks are $837.19 and will increase to $915.73 in 2025. On average, an individual spends a lot of money per year to purchase confectionery and snacks.

United States Average Volume Per Capita (Kilograms):

The average volume per capita in 2020 is 62.3 kilograms for confectionery and 34.9 kilograms for snacks. In 2025, the average volume per capita for confectionery increased to 66.6 kilograms and snacks also increased to 36.6 kilograms.

United States Price Per Unit (Kilo):

In 2020, the price per unit of confectionery is $8.54 and in 2025 the price per unit increased a bit to $8.89. For snack foods, the price per unit in 2020 is $8.76 and the price per unit in 2025 is $8.83. Snacks did not increase as much as confectionery as it only increased by $.07 cents where confectionery increased by $.35 cents.

Exports and Imports:


The three confectionery trends in the United States are chocolate, fruity and floral flavors, and confectionery that are supporting the sustainability movement that include health and eco-friendly conscious categories. These trends are connected to the younger generations. Millennials are chocolate connoisseurs that enjoys fine chocolate and often consume chocolate to satisfy their sweet tooth.

For confectionery flavors in general, the flavors that are becoming more and more popular include fruits, flowers (lavender, rose, hibiscus, etc.), matcha, jasmine, and so on. Consumers are leaning more towards candies that are refreshing.
Confectionery companies that are sustainable attracts more consumers as customers become more health-conscious and eco-friendly. Companies that invest in sustainability was seen to have an increase in customers and profits.

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Global Marketing Associates has been helping food and beverage companies expand globally for over 15 years. Contact us for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help your company grow export sales.

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