Why Email Works for B2B F&B Marketing

There are any number of reasons you might be neglecting the email in your B2B marketing mix. It’s ubiquitous in daily life, and hence easy to overlook. It’s not the newest technology. It’s not the flashiest. In fact, we all send and receive emails, and we do it almost every day.

But it’s for these very same reasons that email represents prime marketing opportunity in the food & beverage industry. If you’re an F&B manufacturer, you’re almost certain to have an email address… and the same is true for your next local buyer or international distributor. (If you’re reading this article in your inbox, I rest my case.)

The truth is, email is accessible, reliable and widely-used—and it’s right at your fingertips. It’s high time to harness the humble email to its fullest potential, and here’s why.

Time and Place

Email offers both a conducive schedule and setting for B2B marketing efforts. It manages to toe a fine line— by being personal, not invasive.

Business can come down to a matter of timing. Cold-call telemarketing may be a common strategy in the marketing world, but it’s difficult to warm cold leads when receivers aren’t expecting your call… and especially if they’re in a different time zone. For F&B manufacturers trying to find international exporters, email is the way to go. Prospective distributors are free to peruse your content at their own time, leisure and discretion.

It’s also easier to find receptive audiences when you’re sending your message to a place where people want and expect to find commercial offers. The email platform opens up a direct line of communication from one business to another, and all in the personal space of the email inbox.

Keeping track, following up

We know that email can reach potential clients quickly, efficiently, and on a massive scale. Within the same day of sending, marketing messages can reach thousands of recipients, and be read by the end of the business day.

More importantly, beyond knowing that your email was sent, customer relationship management (CRM) platforms show you who did what with your message, so you can in turn decide how to respond. Using the right CRM platform, the results of email campaigns can be tracked and measured to build sales leads for F&B manufacturers.

Mass emails are only the first step in the email marketing life-cycle. Following that, open rates and click rates are integral diagnostics to point you in the right direction of potential distributors: by identifying interested parties and sending them targeted and customized messages, you can ensure the right information is reaching the right people.

High ROI

The statistics speak for themselves. According to a 2015 report by the Data & Marketing Association (DMA), email has an astounding average ROI of $38 for every dollar spent. The DMA also noted email marketing as the top profit generator in 2017, with the lowest cost-per-acquisition (CPA) of all the media types evaluated at $10.32.

It’s little wonder that 82% of B2B marketers surveyed by ALF Insight in 2016 cite email marketing as their top priority and first channel investment.

From ALF Insight's 2016 report

With the right approach to email, B2B companies in the food and beverage industry can realize the potential of this incredibly effective marketing channel. For prospective buyers and distributors, the inbox affords a comfortable time and place to view offers; for F&B manufacturers, CRM platforms provide metrics to identify interested parties and guide steps forward. In our next article, find out how you can cultivate captive business audiences, and create customers in the process.

About us

Global Marketing Associates has been helping companies in their B2B marketing for over 15 years, including email campaigns. Contact us for a free consultation to learn more about how we can help your company succeed.


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